Connected Health: Improving Care, Safety, and Efficiency with Wearables and IoT Solution

Samatha Rickman
2 min readMar 15, 2021

By Richard Krohn, David Metcalf, Patricia Salber

Taylor & Francis Ltd, United Kingdom, 2017. Condition: New. Language: English. Brand new Book. Connected Health is the most dynamic phenomenon in healthcare technology today. From smartphones and tablets to apps, body sensors and telemedicine, Connected Health promises to stir foundational shifts in healthcare quality and delivery. This is a watershed moment in healthcare — the Connected Health ecosystem is dramatically impacting healthcare’s stakeholders, from patients to C-Suite executives, and is delivering on the tri aim: quality care, coordination and cost savings.This new book conducts a focused examination of wearables as an explosive niches of the Connect Health market. Covering a range of issues from wearable applications in the consumer and provider spaces, to emerging technology solutions and hurdles to successful deployment, this book also provides an engaging discussion about wearables as a change agent of healthcare delivery. The discussion continues with and examination of the interplay between solutions like wearables in the Healthcare Internet of Things (“IoT”) landscape.The book also explores the scope and trajectory of the Connected Health ecosystem through a combination of expert commentary and selected case studies. It serves as an educational resource as well as a practical guide in strategizing and executing a Connected…



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